Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Wrap Up | 2016 Resolutions~!

Can you believe 2015 is basically over already?! To me it didn't really go super quickly or slowly either, it just went at the right tempo I guess.

Now 2015 hasn't been the brightest year of all if we look at all the police brutality that happened this year to our black men and women. And of course the most recent Paris attack from Isis... It is all very sad and I wish none of this ever happened but unfortunately the world we live is in not as peaceful as we hope for.

Aside from these down and low things that happened throughout 2015, some great things still happened in my life :)

I graduated from high school, turned 18 years old, visited my relatives in Kansas City, was able to have all my family with me on Thanksgiving and Christmas, got a car, celebrated one year of being natural, etc, etc! Lots of great things happened this year, so many I can't even keep track of them all.

Last year in 2014 I had 10 goals for myself and I unfortunately only completed 4.5 of those goals! Haha! These 4.5 resolutions that I completed were as follows: Getting closer to God (this will probably always be on my list haha), writing monthly goals for myself, getting a car, deciding on a major, and the .5 goes to reading a book each month-- I didn't technically read a book every month, but I did read 20 books this year so that's reading more than reading 12 books right? so that's where the .5 is from haha!

Now let's get into my goals for 2016! (ya'll know I love making goals for myself right?! haha!)

  • Get closer to God (like I said earlier, this is something I'll always work on because it's a journey!)
  • Create a vision board-- I need to have a picture of how I want to see myself in the future and have a vision for myself :)
  • Look for a better job-- I need to try and get out of the food industry, even though I enjoy what I do and I enjoy the people around me, I deserve better and greater things for myself :)
  • Work hard/smart in school-- I'm always trying to get better at not procrastinating and being a better student, not saying that I'm not a good student, but sometimes I know I can do better than I'm giving, if that makes sense 
  • Be more presentable-- There's certain people who I watch on YouTube who are always looking presentable wherever they're going and I really admire that. I'm not sure if I'll try wearing make up to look more presentable or work on my fashion more, but I do want to try harder and do better
  • Make working out into a lifestyle-- I'm going to try to be active at least once a week. In these last few weeks of December I have been more motivated to workout and I want to make it into a lifestyle instead of it being a random workout kick that I have here and there
  • Eat healthier/ Meal Planning-- Of course with fitness comes having a right diet. Along with this I need to focus on limiting my proportions, which I just need to keep in the back of my mind whenever I'm about to eat. 
  • Start a YouTube Channel!-- I've been saying that I want to start a YouTube Channel for the longest time and it's about time that I actually go for it and start uploading stuff!
  • Try to get a new computer and camera-- In order to have a YouTube channel I need a camera of course! and I really need to replace the computer that stopped working about a month ago :(
  • Limit YouTube watching-- I talk a lot about how addicted I am to YouTube and it is so true. I really need to limit the amount of hours I spend watching YouTube videos haha! This one might be a hard one, not gonna lie...
  • Make my blog more personal!-- I need to definitely try to upload more consistently on here and more often than I have- honestly I just need to get in the habit of it and plan what I want to talk about! And I just want to share more of my life with you guys and be more personal :)
  • Crochet more/ Be more crafty!-- I barely crocheted anything this year and it's making me sad that I haven't, I guess I haven't been as motivated but I don't want to lose my craft and technique 
  • Get back to studying a Foreign Language-- I was obsessed with languages and I still love languages and I seriously need to practice my Spanish! It's hard when you don't have a class for it, but I don't want to lose all those years of Spanish...
  • Try out a Wash 'n Go!-- I've never done a wash 'n go before because I wasn't even sure if it would work on my type of hair, but I want to give it a try! Especially now that my hair is getting longer and longer :)
  • Read 25 books!-- Along with this I think I want to try another book challenge that are out there on YouTube and such because I completely failed at the Booktube-a-thon haha!
And those are all my goals for 2016!! I know it's a lot but these are things I really want to improve myself on! I'll be back with another blog post soon about my goals for January 2016 just to narrow things down a bit more haha :) Thanks for stopping by and feel free to tell me your plans and resolutions for 2016!!

This is my current favorite song as of yesterday btw... haha it's so funky!

Oh! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Protective Styling!

Hey Everyone!

I'm a firm believer in protective styling! I did it last year for 6 months and that's what I'm doing again this year!

I tend to put in braids or twists once fall hits and protective style until it is springtime. So I had braids in my hair in October all the way up until last Thursday when I took them out. I had them in for about two months.

The process of taking them out took me about an hour and a half because I wanted to make sure that my hair was detangled so that I wouldn't get frustrated with my hair later on when it came to washing it

It was nice to see my hair and how it's grown since the last time I saw it. I honestly don't know how much it grew though because I didn't take any before pictures or anything.

I deep conditioned my hair overnight and then the next morning I began to put my hair back into another protective style!

This time I put it in twists - which I honestly prefer better than braids because I feel like my hair texture blends in a lot better than it does with braiding hair.

It took me from 8 am to around 6 pm to complete all of this, with 2 breaks included for eating - because I literally cannot go without eating!!

I plan on keeping these twists in my hair for 2 months, which means I'll take them out sometime in February. Then I'll put in more twists and leave them in for another 2 months.

Then my 6 months of protective styling will be over and I will be able to wear my hair out again!!

Thank You for stopping!! Comments are always appreciated! If you are a natural, are you doing any protective styling for this season? and if you aren't, how are you rocking and styling your hair? Let me know! :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Finals Week!!

Hey Everybody!!

We have already reached the end of the semester and things are starting to crack down!! Has this semester gone by quickly for anyone else? I feel that it went really quickly, but it did start out slow to me.

For most college students this is finals week, which can be one of the most stressful times during the semester. So far I have gotten 3 out of 4 of my finals done.

The first final I had really caught me off guard and that was my philosophy final. My professor gave us the questions two weeks before it was due, but I was distracted by Thanksgiving break because I really wanted to enjoy my break and not worry about my homework and such.

I hope I got a good grade on it, but I definitely completed that final at the last minute.

Yesterday I took my College Algebra final, which I feel pretty good about. And today I took my Fitness for Life final which was super easy - I just checked my score and I got 69 out of 70! 

Now the main final I have to focus on now is my Art Appreciation final! This class has been my most difficult class surprisingly enough. 

I don't have this final until this upcoming Thursday, so I'm going to make sure I spend some good quality time studying for it so I can feel as confident as I have on some of my past finals!

Is anyone else studying for finals now? I now my friends who are still in high school don't have their finals until next week, but it's always good to be ahead of the game and be proactive!

After I take my Art Appreciation final on Thursday I will be done with this semester!! Which means I'll be on Winter Break!!!

That's all I have for now, but I'll definitely be back soon with another post :) Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I'm Back!!! | December Goals

It has been over 2 months since I last posted on here! I am so sorry for that...and of course here comes all the excuses for why I have been so M.I.A :)

First reason...Laziness...yup there have been times where I knew I could have posted on here but I simply was lazy about it. Then once I was lazy about it I got out of the habit!!!

The next excuse is my addiction to YouTube...I have discussed this briefly before but I have a problem or what?! The next reason for my absence is all the school work that I've had to handle for this semester.

The final reason for my random hiatus, and this is the most recent one, is the unfortunate fact that the computer that I usually use has died on me...Well it hasn't exactly died, but it refuses to let me into any user! You know how when you turn on the computer you choose a user to go under, so every time I click my user or anyone else's it acts like it's going to let me in, but then it refreshes and it won't let me in! So frustrating! So yeah I need a new computer now... DX

All n all, the main reason why I haven't posted in so long is procrastination! Yup that stupid sucker got me trapped again!

Now on to my December Goals...

  • First and foremost, I really want to post more on here and get back into the routine of blogging!
  • Be well prepared for the finals that I have coming up and end the semester with straight A's!
  • Do another protective hairstyle - more specifically kinky twists
  • Read at least 2 books
  • Enjoy the rest of 2015!
The song that I have been digging recently is Jaded by Disclosure! I've really been enjoying Disclosure's latest album Caracal, it just makes ya want to dance!

So what are your goals for December and what's your current favorite song?! I'm always interested in knowing what songs people are jamming to :) Oh! and how was your Thanksgiving!? As always thank you for stopping by! And I will be back very soon -- hopefully!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Autumn! | A Quick Hello :)

Happy Autumn Everybody!

Fall is seriously like may favorite season :) I love watching the leaves turn into different shades of orange and yellow -- it's just so beautiful man! 

I wanted to just stop by and say hello and that I hope everyone is doing well. I really need to plan out a nice thought out post for you guys, it's just school probs... Dx 

That's why I have to make this short and sweet! I will try to be back on here once I get my life together and stop procrastinating on all the crap that I have with school work and such...

Let's enjoy this nice Autumn weather shall we? Thanks for stopping by :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August Wrap Up | September Goals

What's up everybody?!

It's crazy how fast the time can go sometimes! I know it's been literally a whole month since I last posted a blog post and that is not very cool at all... I know...But I'm back to wrap up August and bring in September! That's something that I always try to do on here at least :) You can count on it!

Soooo August....Yeah August was such a busy month this year!! I didn't expect it to be this busy but I guess I should have...with school starting and all that jazz

Not only was it hectic and busy because of school starting, but also because my sister and I were doing some car searching!

Car shopping can be very hard and frustrating all at the same time!-unless you don't have a budget or anything along those lines. But I can happily say that my sister and I did get a car and it is very nice!! It all is super exciting!

That's what our car looks like, but not as shiny haha! It's a 2010 Suzuki SX4

I didn't get to read as many books as I wanted to this month...but I'm probably going to have to back down on the reading even though I seriously don't want to! But I just don't have as much time for it anymore Dx Especially since I'm taking a philosophy class and we seriously have so much reading for that class it's ridiculous-but then again I am in college right...

However I did finish the Death Note Series and that was soooo amazing! Like I really liked how it ended, for the most part I guess! I recommend it to anyone who enjoys watching anime or reading manga :)

Now onto my September goals!

  • Try to post more than just once this month!
  • Read 2-3 books-hopefully I'll be able to do this!
  • Get back to reading more blogs if I have the time to-I seriously miss reading all the blogs I follow!
  • Work out more at the YMCA-I actually kind of have to do this because I'm taking a gym class, weird right?
  • Stop procrastinating when it comes to my philosophy class!-I really should be working on that right now, but priorities man! 
  • I guess I just need to manage my time more better...a.k.a not get distracted with YouTube...

This month my favorite song goes out to Stay by: Yuna! I've been listening to a lot of her music this month :) She's pretty awesome

I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for stopping by even though I have not been as active! I'm going to try to do better!

Monday, August 3, 2015

July Wrap Up | August Goals!

Hey there!!!

It's definitely that time again! Time to wrap up July and get ready for what August has prepared for me!

So July! July was a great time for me! I was able to visit some family members and just enjoy my last full month of summer vacation. Although I did work quite a bit for the last part of it but that's okay because it's good to make money right?! 

I got my hair blow dried, straightened and trimmed this month and that was a very interesting experience which I will definitely get more into in a later blog post!

Even though I didn't hang out with a lot friends that I haven't seen in a while, I did talk to some friends that I haven't heard from in a while! But yes I really do need to try harder to actually hang out with those friends!

Books! Ohh my goodness this month has been all about books! I have been on this book craze and I am thoroughly enjoying it and I hope to continue that craze in August as well! :D

Now onto my August goals!

  • Read at least 4 books! (hopefully school won't get in the way Dx)
  • Seriously go through my backpack and prepare for this year's school things!
  • Get into the school zone! For example... Get your school supplies, books,etc together
  • Finish the DeathNote Series! (this has taken me long enough already to get through and it's really good I just need to put it more at the top of my reading list!)
  • Find some cool new school clothes
  • And if you have time get back to studying Spanish or Japanese (because you don't want to loose it!)

Let's see how well I actually do on these goals of mine! haha!

Here's my favorite song of July that I had been jamming out to :D (I Wonder by: Kanye West)

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave some of the goals that you my have down in the comments section!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Kansas City Trip!!

Last week my sister and I took a trip to Kansas City and we took this trip by bus! It was my first bus trip and my sister's second bus trip.

It was a great experience to have because you're put into close proximity with people from all walks of life!
The reason why were going to Kansas City was to have like a mini vacation to visit some relatives and also because my sister wanted to visit her friend who lives in a smaller town that is really close to Kansas City.

We stayed with our cousin. People are surprised when we tell them that she's our cousin because she in her 70s but she's totally up to date on things and is so much fun to hang around :)

We did all sorts of activities like bowling (which I received some great bowling tips from another one of my cousins-who is one of my cousin's brothers), shopping, going to church, and visiting relatives.

Kansas City has a vast amount of shopping centers compared to where I'm from so my sister and I were trying to get in as much shopping as we could while we were out here. But I actually didn't spend too much money, which really surprised me!
BAM!- I think it stands for books-a-million - was a pretty cool book store that they have at the legends shopping mall! It was nice to be able to visit a bookstore that wasn't Barnes and Noble (even though I love Barnes and Noble!) for once in a while!

On Sunday after we went to church we went to visit my Auntie who is the mother of the cousin who we were staying with (she's in her 90s!). Every Sunday all of her kids come to her house to have dinner and watch movies.
The cousin that we stayed with is the top middle one with the white top! She's so funny! In fact all of them are really funny!!

She has a total of 8 children, all from the same father too! Seven of them were able to make it because the eldest of her kids doesn't live as close as the rest of them.

Being around my family and seeing all the family portraits my my Aunt's house really made me want to have a big family of my own :) I usually would say to myself the the maximum amount of kids I would allow myself to have is 4, but seeing all of them together gave me a really strong longing for a big family! I guess we'll see what actually happens though! haha!

I'm so happy that I went on this trip because at first I was iffy on if I actually wanted to go or not because I wanted to keep on saving money by working more. But it was such a great experience and I can't wait to go back!

Thank you for stopping by! :D

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A to Z of Me

I found this idea from TheBlueEyedNightOwl! She did this a while back and I figured now would be a good time for me to do this! I'm currently away from home so I don't have my usual desktop computer, so I'm typing this on my iPod touch right now! Gotta do what you gotta do right?? Well I hope you enjoy!!

A. Age: 18

B. Bed size: Queen

C. Chore that you hate: Dishes!! In my house being on dishes means a lot more than just cleaning the dishes... It's like you basically have to clean up after everyone and it can be so annoying!!

D. Dogs: I don't have any and never have unfortunately

E. Essential start to your day: Lately it's been looking at YouTube videos to help me wake up and be more alert

F. Favorite color: PURPLE~!! I also like orange, lime green and pink

G. Gold or Silver: Jewelry wise I would say silver but if we're talking about the color then gold

H. Height: a little over 5'2"

I. Instruments you play: Clarinet and Tenor Saxophone

J. Job title: Currently working in the fast food industry :/

K. Kids: I definitely want to have children in the future! At least 2 :)

L. Live: Kansas, USA

M. Mother’s name: Angela

N. Nicknames: Allie, Allie Jean Jean, and Triangle

O. Overnight hospital stays: Thankfully none

P. Pet peeves: When people don't clean up after themselves and then expect me to clean it! Dx

Q. Quote from a movie: "Your mom created these Eco balls, they disolve in water." X'D

R. Right or left handed: Right

S. Siblings: 3! Two older brothers and an older sister

T. Time you wake up: Depends on what time of year it is. During school time I have to wake up early around 6 something. During summer break I usually get up around 10-11 haha unless I have work.

U. Underwear: I mainly have comfortable underwear... Haha yeah...

V. Vegetable you hate: peas!! Those things are literally disgusting!! Dx

W. What makes you run late: Usually my parents... Or siblings or me procrastinating to the last minute...

X. X-Rays you’ve had: X-Rays on my teeth I believe... Yeah definitely x-Rays on my teeth

Y. Yummy food that you make:uI don't cook much... But I can make some really good box chocolate cake!! Haha that's really sad....

Z. Zoo animal: Giraffe~!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Enjoying the Outdoors

On Sunday my mother, my sister and I went to visit my Grandmother who lives in a little town not too far from us. My sister and I had worked earlier that day and we were pretty tired from work but our mom said "I waited all this time for you guys to come back from work so we could go visit "Little Mama" (that's what we call our grandmama :D) I'm glad we did go!! Not that we don't visit her often, we actually visit her a lot. But this time we went on a walk around a little pond in her neighborhood. I've been around it before but this was the first time I actually walked it! It has a distance of 6/10 miles so a good size i would say! 

It turned out to be a very beautiful evening filled with conversation and laughter. While my mom and Little mama were chit chatting, my sister Andrea and I were catching up and reminiscing on things of the past and cracking up a goofy things that we've done in the past. Instead of staying inside and reading my book, like I tend to do pretty often, we stayed outside basically the whole visit and it felt really good to feel the summer breeze and be away from technology for a little while even though I did take a couple of pictures here and there lol! 

Have you been spending much time outdoors this summer? Let me know! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 3, 2015

July Goals!!!

This month I'm going to try to keep it simple and yet not too simple because this is the last month that I have before I have to go back to school! O.O It's gone so quickly so I need to make the best of it!

  • Read 3 books
  • Hang out with friends that I haven't been around in a while
  • Finally clear out my school backpack!
  • Do a protective hairstyle
  • Be a more consistent blogger hehe...
  • Discover some really good music
  • Get back to writing in my fauxbonichi
  • Enjoy the last bit of summer that I have!

Let me know what kinds of goals you have for this month! :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let's wrap up June!

I have been so absent this month it's really bad!! and I'm sorry!!! >.< Let's just say life and laziness got in the way ;)

A whole bunch has happened this month!!! So let's get into it!

First things first I got into a new craft/activity/journaling thingy known as Hobonichi journaling! But mine is a Fauxbonichi! You may be wondering what this is exactly and what it consists of. Basically a Hobonichi originates in Japan and it's an almost daily journal where you draw pictures and journal about your day! I've heard that the Hobonichi journal itself it very expensive along with the shipping and handling that comes with it. So what people have been doing to avoid these expenses is they find a different kind of journal and do the same thing in that journal. Most of these journals have been graph paper style of pages. Here's some examples of what a Hobonichi and Fauxbonichi (meaning fake hobonichi if you didn't catch that already) may look like!


Hobonichi planner

Fauxbonichi(This is mine!):

There are some really beautiful fauxbonichi journals out there and it makes me wish I was that gifted at drawing! But this has really helped me get back to practicing my drawing skills because it's been a while since I've drawn!

Along with journaling a lot I was buying a reading a lot of books! I only read 3 books this month (one of those books only being 40 pages long) but I've really been in the mood to read! I read Just one Year (The companion book of Just One Day), Just one Night (this was the 40 pg e-book) and The Fifth Wave!

I was trying to read The Scarlet Letter but I was getting bored with it and read The Fifth Wave instead :) I'll go back to The Scarlet Letter eventually because it did have some interesting parts but I felt like there's just so much unnecessary filler in there.

This month was the month where I was scheduled to get my wisdom teeth pulled!! I was so nervous but I'm so happy that it's all over! I'll have to admit I was kind of a wimp and became lazy after I got my wisdom teeth pulled! What was super annoying was that I would wake up in pain because the medicine I took before I had gone to bed would wear off, so that wasn't very fun at all. Here's the pic that I posted on Instagram after I got them taken out! X'D

It's been about 3 weeks since I got my wisdom teeth pulled but I can't make certain facial expressions without feeling where I got them pulled out which totally sucks! Hopefully that all will go away because I have to make certain signature silly facial expressions! Haha!!

Now let's go into the goals that I accomplished for the month of June~!

          Read 3 books (That is if a 40 pg e-book counts!)

          Get rid of some clothes! (I did this a lot quicker than I had expected!)

          Get back to working out (I kind of did this and kind of didn't...I was consistently working out my abs --thanks to TheIndieByline :) -- until I got my wisdom teeth pulled and then I stopped because I needed to recover, but I did get back to working out! I just need to get back to it again!)

Overall I was a slacker and not a slacker in June! How did your June go!? Let me know in the comments box down below! Hopefully it went well!!

I found this song really catchy and I heard it from SnapChat for their Father's Day snapchat! And I think it is quite fitting for the summer :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, June 1, 2015

May In Review | June Goals!

Happy June Everybody!!!

May is already over and June has come! May was one of the most stressful and also one of the most exciting months so far in this year :) With finals and papers that I had to write just around the corner from graduation and relatives coming in, it was a lot to handle! But I made it through and now I can enjoy myself to the fullest this summer break!!! 

Here's some of the things that I was able to accomplish from my goals in May:

     ✔Go to at least one Grad Party - I actually went to 2!

     ✔Spend good quality time with my relatives

     ✔Graduate from High School! :D

     ✔Celebrate my 18th Birthday!

     ✔Treat yourself to some cute online stationery items

     ✔Read two books - I finished reading Death Cure and I re-read Just One Day

This summer I'm going to try to spend my summer to the fullest! That means I'm going to try not to just sleep it all away! Haha I already did that the first week - hopefully I got it all out of my system!

Without further ado here are my June goals!:

  • Don't sleep your summer away!
  • Read 3 books
  • Seriously clean out/get rid of some clothes
  • Recover quickly from getting my wisdom teeth pulled Dx 
  • Post on here at least once a week - or more! hehe
  • Get back to practicing Spanish! 
  • Get back to working out!! Haaaa I've really been slacking!!
Here's a song that I've been enjoying this month...It just gets me pumped up for whatever reason! Haha!

Thank you for stopping by! And again comments are always appreciated! Any specific June plans for you? Let me know~!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Little Update! :D

I know it's been a while since I last posted on this little blog of mine! Almost two whole weeks to be exact! Dx But I have a reason for all of this!

First it started with all the studying a preparations for graduation that I had to do! Thank the Lord that I got through it all though! I was blessed to have passed my senior year with a 4.0 GPA :)

After all the studying I did for finals then came GRADUATING!! Yes girl!! I graduated! :D It was such an amazing experience and even though I am gladly ready to leave my school, I am going to miss it :'(

Since I graduated I had relatives come in to see me graduating and I had so much fun spending time with my aunties because I only get to see them once every so many years :( but I spent as much time with them as I was able to and I enjoyed every bit of it!

After my aunties had left to go back to their homes it was time to celebrate my birthday! On May 21 I turned 18 years old! Whoop Whoop! I still feel the same age but turning 18 is apparently a big deal! ha! I received so much love on my birthday and I was able to truly enjoy myself! For the past couple years I haven't been able to enjoy myself on my birthday because I would usually have finals! Dx But this year I was completely free! It was such a great feeling :D

Here's some pictures from my graduation day :)

I hope you've been having a great day so far and I've hope you've enjoyed sharing this milestone in my life with me! :D Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to make a quick blog post wishing all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day!! My mama is very special to me and I love her dearly! I hope everyone treats their mother to something nice on this special day if they haven't already :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May Goals!

May is a very special month to be because it is my birthday month! Not only am I turning a 18 this month but I am also graduating! This month is going to be a pretty busy month!

Here's the goals that I have for myself this month:
  • Celebrate my 18th birthday!
  • Celebrate my graduation!
  • Spend good quality time with relatives that visit
  • Go to at least one graduation party
  • Read at least 2 books
  • Make sure all senior pictures are given out
  • Design some stickers
  • Treat yourself to some cute online stationery items
  • Get rid of some clothes
Pretty lengthy but it shouldn't be too hard to reach :D Thanks for stopping by! What are some of your goals for the month of May?