Friday, July 10, 2015

Enjoying the Outdoors

On Sunday my mother, my sister and I went to visit my Grandmother who lives in a little town not too far from us. My sister and I had worked earlier that day and we were pretty tired from work but our mom said "I waited all this time for you guys to come back from work so we could go visit "Little Mama" (that's what we call our grandmama :D) I'm glad we did go!! Not that we don't visit her often, we actually visit her a lot. But this time we went on a walk around a little pond in her neighborhood. I've been around it before but this was the first time I actually walked it! It has a distance of 6/10 miles so a good size i would say! 

It turned out to be a very beautiful evening filled with conversation and laughter. While my mom and Little mama were chit chatting, my sister Andrea and I were catching up and reminiscing on things of the past and cracking up a goofy things that we've done in the past. Instead of staying inside and reading my book, like I tend to do pretty often, we stayed outside basically the whole visit and it felt really good to feel the summer breeze and be away from technology for a little while even though I did take a couple of pictures here and there lol! 

Have you been spending much time outdoors this summer? Let me know! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like a perfect sunday day! I know ive been spending quite a few days outdoors but its usually running from place to place! I need a restful day like this!

    1. Yes I truly appreciate the times when I'm able to relax and enjoy myself outdoors to just kind of get out of the norm. Thank you so much for stopping by!!! :D

  2. Awww, I love family time! Especially time with Grandma :) And I love you guys' nickname for her. It sounds like the perfect summer afternoon. I have not spent much time outdoors because of the humidity but I think I'm outside frequently, just not leisurely if that makes sense. I'd like to visit some sort of body of water soon though, beautiful post :)

    1. Thanks girl!! Yeah my mother would call her grandmother "Big Mama" (she's the mother of our grandmother) so we call our grandma Little Mama!! Haha we're trying to figure out what name my mama is gonna go by once she becomes a grandmother :) and yeah I understand what you mean about being outside a lot but not spending it leisurely! And you should try to find a body of water! It can be really relaxing! Thanks so much for stopping by~!
