Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Wrap Up | 2016 Resolutions~!

Can you believe 2015 is basically over already?! To me it didn't really go super quickly or slowly either, it just went at the right tempo I guess.

Now 2015 hasn't been the brightest year of all if we look at all the police brutality that happened this year to our black men and women. And of course the most recent Paris attack from Isis... It is all very sad and I wish none of this ever happened but unfortunately the world we live is in not as peaceful as we hope for.

Aside from these down and low things that happened throughout 2015, some great things still happened in my life :)

I graduated from high school, turned 18 years old, visited my relatives in Kansas City, was able to have all my family with me on Thanksgiving and Christmas, got a car, celebrated one year of being natural, etc, etc! Lots of great things happened this year, so many I can't even keep track of them all.

Last year in 2014 I had 10 goals for myself and I unfortunately only completed 4.5 of those goals! Haha! These 4.5 resolutions that I completed were as follows: Getting closer to God (this will probably always be on my list haha), writing monthly goals for myself, getting a car, deciding on a major, and the .5 goes to reading a book each month-- I didn't technically read a book every month, but I did read 20 books this year so that's reading more than reading 12 books right? so that's where the .5 is from haha!

Now let's get into my goals for 2016! (ya'll know I love making goals for myself right?! haha!)

  • Get closer to God (like I said earlier, this is something I'll always work on because it's a journey!)
  • Create a vision board-- I need to have a picture of how I want to see myself in the future and have a vision for myself :)
  • Look for a better job-- I need to try and get out of the food industry, even though I enjoy what I do and I enjoy the people around me, I deserve better and greater things for myself :)
  • Work hard/smart in school-- I'm always trying to get better at not procrastinating and being a better student, not saying that I'm not a good student, but sometimes I know I can do better than I'm giving, if that makes sense 
  • Be more presentable-- There's certain people who I watch on YouTube who are always looking presentable wherever they're going and I really admire that. I'm not sure if I'll try wearing make up to look more presentable or work on my fashion more, but I do want to try harder and do better
  • Make working out into a lifestyle-- I'm going to try to be active at least once a week. In these last few weeks of December I have been more motivated to workout and I want to make it into a lifestyle instead of it being a random workout kick that I have here and there
  • Eat healthier/ Meal Planning-- Of course with fitness comes having a right diet. Along with this I need to focus on limiting my proportions, which I just need to keep in the back of my mind whenever I'm about to eat. 
  • Start a YouTube Channel!-- I've been saying that I want to start a YouTube Channel for the longest time and it's about time that I actually go for it and start uploading stuff!
  • Try to get a new computer and camera-- In order to have a YouTube channel I need a camera of course! and I really need to replace the computer that stopped working about a month ago :(
  • Limit YouTube watching-- I talk a lot about how addicted I am to YouTube and it is so true. I really need to limit the amount of hours I spend watching YouTube videos haha! This one might be a hard one, not gonna lie...
  • Make my blog more personal!-- I need to definitely try to upload more consistently on here and more often than I have- honestly I just need to get in the habit of it and plan what I want to talk about! And I just want to share more of my life with you guys and be more personal :)
  • Crochet more/ Be more crafty!-- I barely crocheted anything this year and it's making me sad that I haven't, I guess I haven't been as motivated but I don't want to lose my craft and technique 
  • Get back to studying a Foreign Language-- I was obsessed with languages and I still love languages and I seriously need to practice my Spanish! It's hard when you don't have a class for it, but I don't want to lose all those years of Spanish...
  • Try out a Wash 'n Go!-- I've never done a wash 'n go before because I wasn't even sure if it would work on my type of hair, but I want to give it a try! Especially now that my hair is getting longer and longer :)
  • Read 25 books!-- Along with this I think I want to try another book challenge that are out there on YouTube and such because I completely failed at the Booktube-a-thon haha!
And those are all my goals for 2016!! I know it's a lot but these are things I really want to improve myself on! I'll be back with another blog post soon about my goals for January 2016 just to narrow things down a bit more haha :) Thanks for stopping by and feel free to tell me your plans and resolutions for 2016!!

This is my current favorite song as of yesterday btw... haha it's so funky!

Oh! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


  1. Happy New Year Alexandrea!

    LOL I am currently watching youtube on my apple TV as I am typing this.

    Congratulations on graduating High School. It has been a long time since I have left high school! The real world is real past high school. stick to your goals. Things will be interesting as you grow but thats what life does. As you continue your studies, just remember what your focus is. Being a persona blogger is tough, but once you're comfortable in sharing who you are, it will become easier in time. Do concentrate on your health, it is important (ex: my post 43). But this year will be a beautiful one! I'll be reading!

    1. Haha YouTube is bae! And thank you so much Amanda! And I'm going to try and stick with my resolutions this year and do better :) thank you so much for stopping by! :D
